Work Experience Platform

Created to help you manage your work experience placements


The most efficient way to deal with your work experience placements

Web based application

Connect from anywhere to manage your placements

Monitor placement progress

Rapidly identify which stage of the placement progress your students are.

Communicate with all stakeholders

Students, parents, school and employer communication

Employer evaluation

Employers evaluate student's performance.

Coming soon


Easy to use

Managing your work experience placements has never been easier. The visual icons quickly help you to identify which stage of the placement process your students are on and put in a place targeted intervention. 

Cost effective

The Knvas work experience App helps you manage your placements in-house communicating with employers, parents and students without having a pay a fortune to do so.

Centralised system

All communication is done through the platform. This includes employer and placement details, parental approval and student’s diary.

The story behind it.

I’ve had the pleasure of dealing with work experience, in fact, I did this for a number of years so I’m very familiar with the bureaucracy. If you have done it too, you know that it’s labour intensive and not very straight forward as there are many moving parts. It’s also really important to get the paper work right as it deals with student’s health and safety and safeguarding them in the workplace is paramount.

Throughout my years as a the head of careers in my school, I managed work experience through an external company and I also did it all by myself which was time consuming. That’s why I developed the Knvas app; I wanted a cheaper and easier alternative that schools could use. Work Experience is an invaluable career developing activity and it’s a shame that some schools aren’t able to offer their students with this opportunity because of costs or a lack of manpower.

Our Platform

The most efficient way to deal with your work experience placements

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